Sunday, October 21, 2012

Time to do another update.  This time around I have more pictures of various 25/28mm figures.  Fantasy figures are fun to paint as you really don't have many limitations on colors or painting styles.  But at the same time, certain colors are expected on certain types of creatures so I try not to go too far out of bounds, so to speak.  Regardless, here we go....

Things are really starting to move here in the studio.  Which is good because there has been quite a painting slump.  As a result I am quite behind on work but I am starting to catch up.  I will try to update more frequently with pictures as I get more miniatures painting.  Until next time...

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Here we are, at the beginning of September already.  This year is flying past very quickly.  Here are an assortment of fantasy figures that I've completed recently.  There are still many more figures to go with the commission but I thought I would post a few "in production" figures.  The figures are from various manufacturers.  I especially like the Sea Serpent.  Nicely done and paints up well.  


Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ottoman Cavalary

It's been a busy summer and while I've accomplished quite a bit, I haven't taken the time to post any pictures.  Let me see if I can change that.  

These are some 25mm Ottoman cavalry figures that I just completed.  The figures are made by Essex.  I replaced the spears with some that I made out of brass.  The nice thing about these figures was there was quite a bit of room and open space to paint some designs. 

There were a few things I didn't care for with these figures.  The metal used in these figures was soft and deformed quite easily.  It may have just been a case of the figures being an older cast that used more lead in the alloy.  The second thing was that the riders were too small to mount on the horses.  I had to get in a spread the legs of the riders apart .  As it was, I forgot to check the fit before painting so  I had to nervously bend metal after the paint was complete.  Not fun but it taught me a lesson.  Always learn.  

Enjoy the pictures.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Sgt. Majors Miniatures

For this update I have some selected Sgt. Majors Miniatures.  All are 25/28mm in size except the US Marines on the bottom.  They are 20mm figures.  Owner Andy Turlington is a great person to deal with. 
I encourage everyone to visit the Sgt. Majors website at   They have a nice selection 
of miniatures with ranges including 28mm ancient classical, 28mm sci-fi, 28mm pulp and 20mm World War Two figures.  They also import figures for the Indian Mutiny and they are a US distributor of the Plastic Soldier Company line.

 Enjoy and stay tuned for the next update.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Still Alive, still well....

It has been a LONG time since I've put anything here.  I apologize.  I took a promotion at my "day" job and that has eaten away at my time considerably.  I try to spend my free time painting instead of being on the computer.    For this update I am posting some random pictures.  Next time I will focus on more specific projects.  
Above you will see some 28mm WW2 Japanese.  These are from Brigade games line of Pacific troops.  Very nice figures.
 Above is a 1/2400 Panzerschiffe ship.  It is the Soviet light cruiser Krasni Kravaz.  I probably misspelled that name.  Panzerschiffe ships are cast in polyester resin, I believe, and are not as detailed as say GHQ.  This is my attempt to add some details so that, hopefully, they will look more at home next to GHQ offerings.  Below is GHQ's Dutch light cruiser DeRuyter.

 Above and below are some fantasy figures that I've done.  I do not know the manufacturer of these.  But if somebody wants to know I can ask the client to whom these belong.  A Frost Giant on top and a Hydra below.
 Finally, I have some plastic Battlemechs from the game Battletech.  I've been told there aren't many commission painters who paint these.  That's a shame as "mechs" are quite fun to paint.  I am working on a large commission of "mechs" and will post pictures in a later update.
Well, that's it for now.  I will post more regularly now that I am finding more time to work.  Stay safe and be well.  Until next time....